Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) uses a scanning microscope to measure the thickness and topography of your retina. It is frequently performed in conjunction with fluorescein angiography. As part of your continuing therapy OCT is utilized to chart your progress.
Fundus Photographs are color slides taken of your retina by a specially trained technician. These photographs document your eye condition and help to follow its progress.
Fluorescein Angiography is another type of photographic test. As you sit at the camera, a technician will inject a harmless orange colored dye (fluorescein) into a blood vessel in your arm. The dye circulates through your body, including your eyes. Within 10-25 seconds the dye becomes visible in your eye, and a rapid sequence of photographs (not x-ray) is taken. These black and white photographs detect abnormalities in the retina that are not visible by other tests.
Indocyanine Green Angiography (ICG) is a technique used to visualize abnormal blood vessels in the choroid, beneath the retinal tissue of the macula. The ICG dye is quite different from the fluorescein dye, as are the results of the investigation. The two studies are complimentary. ICG pictures are recorded on video and are analyzed immediately to evaluate the eye for possible treatment.
Visual Field Testing measures the extent of both your central vision and side vision. Central visual fields are used to evaluate the macula, the area of the retina responsible for seeing fine detail. During a central field you are seated in a dim room, and the examiner brings a small spot of light to view. The areas where you don’t see the light are plotted on a chart. During testing of your side vision, a similar small light is projected within a hemispherical dome.
Other Psychophysical Tests are subjective measures of visual function. They involve the presentation of different test objects and the recording of your responses. Measurement of contrast sensitivity, color vision, dark adaptation and potential acuity assessment (PAM) are some of the psychophysical tests that your physician may request.
Ultrasonography uses harmless sound waves to form a picture of the tissues within the eye. The test is especially useful when it is impossible to see the eye because the cornea, lens or vitreous are cloudy and block the physician’s view. Ultrasonography helps to evaluate conditions such as retinal detachment, ocular bleeding, trauma and tumors. The size and shape of the contents of the globe are best determined by combining A and B scan ultrasonic technology.
Electrophysiological Tests are objective measures of visual function. They indicate how well your retina, pigment, epithelium and/or optic nerve are functioning. Electrical messages are picked up by small electrodes attached to the skin during testing. These tests are the visual counterpart of the eletrocardiogram (EKG), which determines how well your heart is working.
Protective Eye Wear plays an important role in saving sight. Patients who have useful vision in only one eye, and patients with two functioning eyes who participate in potentially dangerous activities should wear protective eye wear. Many sports, home fix-it, construction activities, and other work environments present conditions where protective eye wear is important.